Drop Cloth - Blog

Recent projects, musings, drawings, and observations

Monumental Nude (figure study)

My current coffee house show, Random Scraps, is such a hodgepodge that it seemed like a place to display any of the nude studies that have been languishing around the studio for a while. I value them for their immediacy and gestural strokes, but they don’t fit in with the rest of my current work very well. So I took the opportunity to stretch this one, done on light muslin which I would prime with gesso and bring to the life drawing session stapled to thin plywood panels. I found sketching with brushes much more satisfying than relying just on a pencil or stick of charcoal, although I would often start with those …

Hanging through April at Lighthouse Roasters in upper Fremont, Seattle: 400 N 43rd St, Seattle, WA 98103